Saturday, February 21, 2009

French Dinner

It's a rainy, blustery, cold day here. Usually that kind of weather has me whipping up a stew. Not so much today. We hit Fresh Market and got the makings of "French Dinner". This and "Breakfast Dinner" are my two emergency meals.

Salad greens were pretty. Gorgeous, fragrant strawberries were $5 for 3 pints. A handful of fat, juicy grapes, Swiss cheese for the kids, a little hunk of reasonably-priced buttermilk blue for the adults, plus a crusty loaf of bread rounded out the dinner. Bread, cheese, salad, fruit: it was good! The kids think it's fun. They're watching a little Ratatouille now. It's like we practically live in France.

While we were at the store I decided I didn't want to go back tomorrow after planning meals for an hour, so I decided to, gulp, WING IT for the week. I picked up some buns for Augustus brats in the freezer, and the makings for a giant pot of beans. I grabbed sweet potatoes to go with Augustus ham steaks and apricot mustard glaze (from your breakfast sausage link recipe, in fact). Jumbo eggs for breakfast dinner, toast with leftover bread, and a big fruit salad. Picked up one chicken breast for a pot of posole with hominy. I have lasagna in the freezer for one night with salad. Big tub of yogurt for lunches. Will have to restock veges, fruit, and milk on Wednesday, but that's an easy trip with the kids. Will have leftover ham, soup, and lasagna for lunches for me at work. At least that's what I"m hoping.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing like "not planning", huh Doc?

    I'd call Brats, ham steaks, breakfast for dinner, posole with hominy, and lasagne a PLAN! That is probably more than most people plan in a month!

