Monday, February 16, 2009

How I Met IcedLatte...It's Sorta Food Related

If you read IcedLatte's comment to my first post, you will see a reference to how long we've known each other (more than 20 years). I thought this would be a good time to share with our Dear Readers a little true story about our unlikely meeting and our even un-likelier friendship. Since IcedLatte is the only other reader that I know of so far, what this really is is my side of the story. I wonder if Ice remembers it this way too.....

We went to the same college. Different worlds, believe me, but same campus. Somehow we both had parents who felt (or were able to be convinced) that an overseas educational experience would be good for us (how did we convince them of THAT?)

We met on a bus in London, bound for Oxford. Well, I can't really say we actually met on the bus, since Ice found every fiber of my being to be repulsive and really wanted nothing to do with me. I think it had something to do with my complaining about how I couldn't fit all of my 70+ pairs of shoes in the limited number of suitcases I brought with me to England. This, in my then-typical shallow sorority girl, low self-esteem, look-at-me way. Ice wore a drab trench coat, sunglasses and earphones - before it was really all that cool to wear earphones all the time - EVERYDAY. She listened to REM; she was so much cooler than me.

You can imagine her delight when we found out our rooms were right near each other. I was room infinity and she was room 9. I was really room 8, but one of the nails that held the number in place was missing, and I thought "infinity" was funny anyway (hey, it WAS funny!).

After a rocky start, IcedLatte and I found that we actually liked each other; well, I mean she could tolerate me and I IDOLIZED her. I used all the hot water in the building, but we liked to skip the "excursions" together and sit on the roof, so we found some common ground. I was so excited to have a such a cool friend that I overlooked her sneers and eye-rolls at just about my every move, thought, and word.

Turns out our "common ground" was really rooted in Food. Food took the form of pints of lager and potatoes in those days, but we've evolved. We've shared pints and recipes ever since. And I think she actually likes me now; I still idolize her. I'll tell you why I feel so in another post, once I find out how to make it relate to food and 3 Square meals!

PS--the Chicken Cordon Bleu Bake casserole was marginal.

1 comment:

  1. You suck. Our relationship is founded in love. I love that I have learned to overlook your shoe problem. And be clear: We sat up on the roof DRINKING and SMOKING, only no we didn't if our kids ask. We would NEVER drink OR smoke ever, particularly in a foreign country, especially if smoking and drinking meant not riding a tour bus around to another dusty old set of ruins. With no snacks.

    And just shut up, because when I grow up I want to be just like you. Only I want to be the version of you who likes shrimp. But that's the only change I'd make.

