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So today is Thursday, and I've been sick all week with a fever, sore throat, and snot:
I don't have any cowbell. I've as stressed as can be for any number of good reasons and a lot of really neurotic ones. I got home and stared with my febrile gaze at the fridge praying that it would suddenly fly up and crush me. Cooking another meal (we're trying to do six at home, plus all breakfasts, and lunches on weekends) was rather intimidating after a SUPER crazy week all with a tedious febrile illness.
But then I got inspired. How about a breakfast for dinner salad? My favorites--bacon, egg, cheese, fruit--all served over lettuce. Here's how it went down in about 20 minutes:
Breakfast Dinner Salad
Serves 4
1 large container baby salad greens (mesclun or baby romaine, already washed)
8 slices bacon
2-3 ounces blue cheese
1 mango
2 pears
4 eggs
Olive oil
2 teaspoons sherry vinegar
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 1/2 teaspoons olive oil
- Turn on large frying pan to heat up and throw bacon in (I use a non-stick electric skillet).
- While the bacon is cooking arrange lettuce on 4 plates.
- While the bacon is still cooking, peel mango.
- Check the bacon and flip it over if it's ready. Chop up mango and pear into bite-sized pieces and arrange fruit on lettuce.
- Crumble cheese on lettuce.
- Turn over the bacon if you haven't already.
- When the bacon is done put it on paper towels and press out the fat. Drain the rendered fat in the frying pan and wipe it out. Add about 1 teaspoon of olive oil if the pan looks too dry for eggs.
- When the pan is ready break the four eggs carefully into the pan individually and start to fry.
- Mix the ingredients for the dressing and drizzle over the four salad plates.
- Flip the eggs sunnyside over (unless you want sunnyside up)
- Flip the eggs on to the salads and serve. The yolk will break and spread deliciousness all over your salad.
- You could also serve toast triangles on the side if you wanted to, and croutons wouldn't be out of place, but this salad was quite fine on its own.
Thanks, Ruth! It's a labor of love for my dear friend PassYouBy and I.