Saturday, March 7, 2009

French Toast Casserole: This is so bad for you

Shout out to my friend Hilary for the recipe. Somehow her version is always better than mine--did she leave the secret ingredient--crack--out when she typed the recipe to share with me? Shout out to her for making it for me and my family on a recent occasion which left me glum and morose. Just the thought of those delicious carbs was enough to lift my mood. Actually eating them sealed the deal. Hilary is a carbohydrate hero.

This is serious comfort food, not for the faint of heart, and I'm serious about that. If you have a bad heart then you should just have fruit salad.

Hilary's Baked French Toast

1 loaf firm bread, cut into cubes
8 oz. cream cheese (I use lowfat, but I'm not sure why given the other ingredients)
1/3 cup real maple syrup
11 (yes eleven) eggs
1 2/3 cup half & half (I've cheated and used 2% with good results, but not as good as Hilary's)
9 T melted butter

Spread one half the bread cubes in a 9x13 inch pan.
Cut the cream cheese into small pieces and scatter across the bread.
Cover with the remaining half of the bread crumbs.
Mix the eggs, half & half, syrup, and melted butter together in a large bowl.
Pour the mixture over the bread cubes.
Cut a piece of aluminum foil big enough to cover the pan and butter one side.
Place foil over the cubes and press them down into the liquid so it absorbs.
Put in fridge overnight.
About two hours before serving, remove from fridge.
About one hour before serving turn oven on to 350.
Remove foil and bake 40-50 minutes until a light, lovely golden brown.
Serve with more syrup, jelly, or powdered sugar.

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